It is refreshing to put on this record for the first time and have a searing hot ice pick shoved into your feeble dome. The easiest way to describe Sex Vid is what Void would sound like if they were a bit faster and did a lot of drugs. Filthy, abrasive punk laced with brief chaotic psych freak-outs. Maybe this recession will rid the world eyeliner garbage jams and bring back some face stomping punk.
As for this particular record, it seems the general opinion is that it falls a bit short of some of their previous releases- namely the nameless debut 7". That is just bullshit from record nerd cheems. It is possibly their most psych-laced (see above) release. You have to listen to Exorcism at least twice to make sure your diseased mind isn't imagining the fucked up howling in the distance. Always Home is a slowed down reminder of why you grew up listening to punk records. FILTHY.
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